scope of practice
Our Services

Prenatal Visits
A prenatal visit is essential to make parents aware of the importance of a “healthy environment” (in utero) for their growing baby. For first-time parents, the prenatal visit also helps them prepare for their new role as parents and possibly alleviate concerns they may have on how family dynamics may change! A particular emphasis is on the topic of breastfeeding/infant nutrition.
For the “seasoned” parents promoting constructive family relationships and advising them on preparing older siblings for the new baby is another topic for the prenatal visit. If the family situation permits we encourage both parents to be present for this important visit.

Periodicity/Wellness Visits
A fancy name for regular well-child visits allows the continued support of the child and the parents. During these visits, we share the child’s growth and developmental progress and what the parents can anticipate for their child’s further physical, cognitive, and emotional development during the next growth period!
These “well- child” visits provide the parents (and the child) with the opportunity to address concerns that are not necessarily “urgent” type of issues e.g. a cough, but more inconspicuous issues e.g. toilette training, bed wetting, temper tantrums, separation anxiety, bullying at school to just name a few.

Sick Visits
When a child gets sick the parents get frightened. Though most situations are not emergencies that would require a visit to the emergency room. Please review the topics listed for your information and to hopefully calm your fears.
Though remember, the information provided does not replace a visit to your provider if you have more questions or concerns.